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Legal Disclaimer Page - Please Read

This page has been constructed to be an Information Source on Honda's XR Range, and Hondas other trailbikes. It began as an exercise in making a web page on a subject I enjoy, but also functioned to create a medium for XR owners to get in touch with each other, and as a personal hobby to see what sort of traffic it attracts on the www.

    justxr.com is not affiliated with the Honda Motor company in any way, and this is not endorsed by Honda in any way.  "Honda" and "XR", and any other registered trademarks are used in a reference capacity on this site.

    Any information found on these pages is correct to the best of my knowledge. Information comes from either my own experiences, research, or information passed to me through the net. While I try to ensure the information is correct, I can accept no responsibility for the consequences of its implementation.  Anyone using information on this site must verify it with a qualified motorcycle mechanic, engineer, or relevant authority prior to use.

    I intend absolutely no copyright violations with any of the material found within these pages.  If you believe there are any copyright infringement, I would appreciate a prompt CONTACT JUSTXR.COM  (note: remove nospam from email address before sending) to let me know what you have a query on. It is also important to make the distinction between material on my pages and that on others pages I have linked to.

    All Logos remain a trademark of their respective owners.

Thankyou for reading this disclaimer.